It all starts with our standards.
Every community has standards, and ours is no different. We’ve created standards and expectations to help keep our community safe, and to help everyone on TipTopChef cook and learn with more confidence.
We verify mobile numbers with a unique code and cross reference with social profiles you have provided us in our secure My Profile section.
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Profile & Reviews
Get to know chefs and members through detailed profiles and confirmed reviews.
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Use our messaging system to learn more about your chef or ask any questions about the booking.
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A Secure Platform
Reservations for a chef are paid through TipTopChef when a booking is accepted by the chef through the reservation dashboard. Chefs receive payment through TipTopChef 24 hours after the booking has been completed. With all the transactions taken care of, all you have to do is worry about your dish.
Our system is 100% secure and built to be flexible. You can adjust your schedule and price per dish. Our flexible cancelation policy ensures that you are never out of pocket with 50% of the fees still charged for any cancellations. Learn more